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Encouraging Student Involvement in Environmental Science Through a $25,000 EPA Environmental Education Grant

Release Date: 05/09/2012
Contact Information: Dave Bary or Jennah Durant at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

(DALLAS – May 9, 2012) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is awarding $25,000 to the Asombro Institute for Science Education. This program in Las Cruces, New Mexico, promotes increased awareness and understanding of the Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem through an innovative schoolyard program.

This year-long program will test student’s critical thinking skills and teach them environmental stewardship as they study the ecosystem right outside their classrooms. Partnering with New Mexico State University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, this program supports 15 teachers and 1,200 students in the Las Cruces Public School District.

More information on the EPA’s environmental education grant program is available at

More about activities in EPA Region 6 is available at

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