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EPA Provides Smart Growth Assistance to Northern Kentucky

Release Date: 07/13/2007
Contact Information: Davina Marraccini, (404) 562-8293, [email protected]

(ATLANTA – JULY 13, 2007) The City Sanitation District No. 1 of Northern Kentucky was one of six communities selected nationally to receive customized technical assistance from EPA to help them put the principles of more efficient, affordable and environmentally sensitive growth into action.

The communities were selected under a competitive, nationwide application process that drew 67 submissions from 30 states. Under a federal contract, each community will receive approximately $45,000 in direct assistance from a team of national experts organized by EPA and other partners to work with local leaders. Team members will have expertise in disciplines relevant to each community's unique needs. The projects will start this summer.

The Sanitation District has requested assistance for a policy analysis to implement smart growth principles for protecting water quality. Faced with rapid growth pressures and a burdened combined sewer system that frequently overflows, the sanitation district wants to identify solutions that sustain growth without exacerbating overflows and impacting water quality. The project will examine: (1) how the District might modify regulations to prevent overflows; (2) what types of best management practices and smart growth strategies are effective in areas with steep slopes and soils that limit water infiltration; and (3) how the district can encourage developers to adopt more environmentally-friendly practices.

The other recipients include: the Atlanta Regional Commission; the California Department of Transportation; the City of Denver, Co.; the City of Greensboro, N.C.; and Valley Metro Transit with the cities of Phoenix and Mesa.

More on the 2007 SGIA Communities: