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Solid Waste Incinerator Standards to Reduce 1,900 Tons of Air Pollution Annually

Release Date: 12/01/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: John Millett, 202-564-4355 / [email protected]

(12/1/05) EPA is requiring new performance standards to reduce emissions of air pollutants from the last remaining category of waste incinerators requiring Clean Air Act regulation. The category is called "other solid waste incinerators" (OSWI). OSWI consist of very small municipal waste combustion units and institutional waste incineration units. The final performance standards will provide important improvements in protecting human health and the environment by reducing approximately 1,900 tons per year of air pollution from the estimated 248 incinerators estimated to be subject to the new standards.

Very small municipal waste combustion units are incinerators that burn less than 35 tons per day of municipal solid waste collected from residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial sources. Institutional waste incineration units are incinerators located at institutions -- such as public or private schools, churches or civic organization -- that burn solid waste generated on site. EPA has already issued regulations to control emissions from large municipal waste combustors (greater than 250 tons per day capacity); small municipal waste combustors (250 - 35 tons per day capacity); medical waste incinerators; and commercial and industrial solid waste incinerators.

These final standards will establish emission limits for the following nine air pollutants from these incinerators: particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, lead, cadmium, mercury, and dioxins/furans.

For additional information on this rule visit: