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Six Brownfields Training, Research and Technical Assistance Grants Announced

Release Date: 06/24/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: Enesta Jones, 202-564-4355 / [email protected]

(6/24/05) EPA has named six organizations to receive a combined $1.4 million in brownfields training, research and technical assistance grants. The purpose of these grants is to focus attention on environmental and human health conditions in socio-economically disadvantaged communities to stimulate economic and beneficial uses of brownfields projects. EPA will fund successful applicants for periods ranging from 1-5 years up to a total of $300,000 each. Brownfields training, research and technical assistance grants are available to eligible government applicants and non-profit organizations including public and non-profit private universities. Of the 26 applications EPA received by the May 1, 2005, application deadline, the following six organizations have been chosen to receive grants:
    1. The University of North Carolina Charlotte -- working with the city of Charlotte to establish a new method to assess the multi-dimensional impacts of brownfields projects on communities.
    2. National Center for Neighborhood and Brownfields Redevelopment, Rutgers University -- Focusing on training and technical assistance to community-based organization (CBOs) in low-income communities across the country to encourage greater involvement in brownfields.
    3. American Planning Association -- Partnering with Bethel New Life in Chicago to create a 'workbook' and training program for Community Development Corporations.
    4. University of Louisville --Targeting historically challenging areas to redevelopment and conducting workshops on building constructive community participation in brownfields redevelopment.
    5. Northeast Midwest Institute -- Identifying strategies, methods and tools for disadvantaged communities.
    6. Duke University -- Examining state public participation approaches to develop additional tools to assist decision-makers and enhance community involvement in brownfields.

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