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Allergan Pharmaceuticals Waco Plant Earns EPA’s Energy Star
Release Date: 03/18/2009
Contact Information: Dave Bary or Anthony Suttice at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]
(Dallas, Texas – March 18, 2009) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recognized the Allergan Pharmaceuticals, Waco, Texas, plant as one of the first four pharmaceutical plants to be awarded the EPA’s Energy Star using the newly developed Pharmaceutical Energy Performance Indicator (EPI). Compared to similar pharmaceutical plants across the country, Allergan’s Waco plant uses nearly 35 percent less energy during its manufacturing process.
Allergan maintains a comprehensive energy management program and has applied good energy conservation practices promoted by Energy Star, including goal setting, monitoring and measuring consumption of energy, project development, energy benchmarking and tracking.
The pharmaceutical sector spends more than $800 million on energy annually. EPA worked in partnership with pharmaceutical companies across the United States to develop the Energy Performance Indicator, which is available to all pharmaceutical companies and enables companies to benchmark their energy performance against others in the industry.
The three other plants are AstraZeneca’s Westborough, Massachusetts, plant; AstraZeneca’s Newark, Delaware, plant; and Schering-Plough’s Cleveland, Tennessee, facility.
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