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EPA Announces Summary of Enforcement Actions for Spring 2012

Release Date: 08/13/2012
Contact Information: Kim Ogle, EPA Compliance and Enforcement, 206-553-0995, [email protected], Cyndi Grafe, EPA Public Affairs, 208-378-5771, [email protected]

(Seattle – August 10, 2012) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) completed 38 enforcement actions from April 1 through June 30, 2012 to ensure individuals, businesses, and governments comply with the nation’s laws that protect public health and the environment.

Before taking enforcement actions, the EPA offers compliance assistance to help regulated industries and individuals understand and comply with federal environmental laws. When these laws are broken, it puts people’s health and the environment at risk. Those who don’t comply with the laws also gain an unfair business advantage over those who have invested in pollution controls and comply with the law.

Below is a summary table of EPA’s enforcement actions from April - June 2012. In some cases penalties are issued to help ensure a level playing field for and to deter future violations. Penalty amounts may vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the number and magnitude of violations, how quickly the violations are corrected, whether there is a history of violations, and the ability of the respondent to pay. Compliance Orders direct the violator to bring their activities back into compliance with environmental laws, and do not include penalties.

April 1 - June 30, 2012

City of violation
Date issued/ filed
Description of Alleged Violation
Penalty amount
AKCordova04/05/12Shoreside Petroleum, Inc.Failure to sample discharges according to Clean Water Act (CWA)* permit for tank farms.
AKHaines04/20/12Robert and Nancy LoomisClean Water Act (CWA)* violations for unauthorized filling into wetlands and construction stormwater discharges without a permit.
AKN/A05/11/12Ocean Peace, Inc.Violating Clean Water Act (CWA)* discharge permit on fishing vessel “Ocean Peace.”
AKUnalaska06/08/12Alyeska Seafoods, Inc.Violations of Risk Management Program (RMP)* requirements at seafood processing plant.
AKOffshore06/21/12Akulurak, LLCFishing Vessel M/V Courageous failed to report and monitor discharges according to the (CWA)* Offshore Seafood Processors General Permit.
IDBuhl03/25/12Fish Breeders of Idaho, Inc.Catfish aquaculture facility exceeded its phosphorus discharge limits and submitted reports late under a (CWA)* permit.
IDIdaho County04/05/12City Service ValconTanker truck spilled 950 gallons of fuel, in violation of (CWA)* oil and hazardous substances liability requirements.
IDCaldwell04/27/12Rhodes InternationalFailure to properly report the storage of ammonia at Caldwell, ID facility. Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)
IDCottonwood05/18/12Idaho Department of CorrectionsExceeding (CWA)* permit requirements for ammonia, E. coli, biological oxygen demand, total suspended solids, and pH; at the North Idaho Correctional Institution
IDRupert05/21/12Brewster West LLCViolations of Risk Management Program (RMP)* requirements for anhydrous ammonia (CAA)* at cheese factory.
IDAhsahka05/25/12Ahsahka Water and Sewer DistrictWastewater treatment plant violations of (CWA)* permit for discharge of E. coli, total suspended solids, total residual chlorine, and pH.
IDCuldesac05/25/12City of CuldesacWastewater treatment plant violations of (CWA)* permit for discharge of E. coli, biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, total residual chlorine, and pH.
IDCaldwell06/13/12City of CaldwellWastewater treatment plant violations of (CWA)* permit for discharge of total suspended solids and total ammonia.
IDWilder06/13/12City of WilderWastewater treatment plant violations of (CWA)* permit for discharge of E. coli, biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids and total residual chlorine.
ORPendleton04/16/12Joe McDonaldAgricultural burning on the Umatilla Indian Reserbation during a “no-burn day” in violation of the Federal Air Rules for Reservations (FARR)*.
ORPortland04/16/12BNSF Railway Co.Removing contaminated soil from under a Superfund cleanup cap without identifying the hazardous waste (RCRA)*
ORPortland04/16/12Kanto CorporationFailure to submit timely Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (TRI)* Reporting Forms for ammonia, hydrogen fluoride, and nitric acid. (EPCRA)*
ORWhite City04/24/12Thermo Fluids, Inc.Deficient Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC)* plan and inadequate secondary containment measures.
ORPortland04/25/12Columbia SportswearSale and distribution of misbranded pesticide infused clothing products. (FIFRA)*
Stop Sale Order
ORBoardman04/27/12Columbia River Processing, Inc.Released 2,400 pounds of anhydrous ammonia at a cheese producing facility and failed to notify federal, state and local authorities in violation of (EPCRA)* and (CERCLA)*.
ORPortland05/25/12American Property ManagementFailed to notify tenants of possible presence of lead in residences before signing lease housing contracts. (TSCA)*
ORNehalem05/30/12Dila Dairy, Inc.Discharged pollutants from Confined Animal Feeding Operation in violation of (CWA)* permit.
ORKlamath Falls06/29/12Curtis O. Baney Marital TrustFailed to notify tenants of possible presence of lead in residences before signing lease housing contracts. (TSCA)*
ORVale06/29/12Farmers Supply Cooperative, Inc.Produced pesticides in an unregistered facility. (FIFRA)*
WAWapato04/26/12Pace International LLCSale and distribution of misbranded pesticide products. (FIFRA)*
Stop Sale Order
WABellingham05/11/12Robert KerrFailed to notify tenants of possible presence of lead in residences before signing lease housing contracts. (TSCA)*
WA Seattle05/15/12Machinists (DSR), Inc.Failure to submit timely Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (TRI)* Reporting Forms for xylene. (EPCRA)*
WAWhatcom County05/15/12Nielsen Brothers, Inc.Truck spilled 120 gallons of diesel, in violation of (CWA)* oil and hazardous substances liability requirements.
WAToppenish06/19/12Green Acre Farms, Inc. EPA’s Federal Air Rules for Reservations (FARR)* resulting from burning prohibited materials and open burning during burn bans.
*List of acronyms:

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