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EPA Awards Grant to Kentucky Community for Wetlands Restoration

Release Date: 07/29/2008
Contact Information: Laura Niles, (404) 562-8353, [email protected]

(Atlanta, Ga. – July 29, 2008) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded the University of Kentucky Research Foundation with a new wetland conservation grant through the Five Star Wetlands Restoration Program. The $20,000 grant will be used to fund the Millcreek Stream and Wetland Restoration Project and Outdoor Classroom.

The project goal is to develop a school-wide, interdisciplinary, water-focused education program at Millcreek Elementary School by restoring stream and wetlands habitats around the free-flowing, meandering creek on the school grounds. The outdoor classroom will help the environment by improving water quality and increasing aquatic and terrestrial habitats in and along the stream. Through the educational program, the creation of student Water Ambassadors, and the professional development of teachers and PTA volunteers, the entire community will benefit from the program.

"EPA’s Five Star Restoration Grant Program will help promote conservation and environmental stewardship in this Kentucky community," said Jimmy Palmer, EPA Regional Administrator. "Community-based projects, such as these, improve environmental awareness among local residents and create lasting relationships for protecting and sustaining wetlands, streams and coasts."

The Five Star Restoration Program is a national initiative providing financial and technical support to wetland, riparian and coastal habitat restoration projects. It brings together citizen groups, corporations, students, landowners, youth conservations corps, and local, state and federal government agencies to build diverse partnerships and foster local natural resource stewardship through education, outreach and training activities.

The goal of EPA's Wetlands program is to motivate and inspire the Nation to value, protect and restore the ecological integrity of its wetlands and aquatic ecosystems. The Wetlands Program accomplishes this through co- leadership of the Clean Water Act's wetlands regulatory program, and by fostering effective wetlands management in strategic partnerships with states, tribes, local governments and other key partners. EPA's vision is for America to have abundant and healthy wetlands and aquatic ecosystems that sustain biologically diverse plant and animal life, improve water quality, protect communities from flooding and provide recreational opportunities.

For more information on the Five Star Wetlands Restoration Program, visit
