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EPA Recognizes Manistique River Public Advisory Council For Efforts To Improve The Environment

Release Date: 06/10/2010
Contact Information: Phillippa Cannon, 312-353-6218, [email protected]

NO. 10-OPA062

(Chicago, Ill. – June 10 , 2010) --- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will recognize the dedication and hard work of the Manistique River Area of Concern’s Public Advisory Council at a 7 p.m. public meeting tonight at Manistique City Hall. Corey Barr, superintendent of the city’s drinking and wastewater department, chairs the council and will accept a certificate from EPA recognizing the group’s efforts to improve the local environment.

The council’s work, along with that of the local wastewater treatment plant, has improved the sewer overflow systems and water quality so that the beneficial use impairment for beach closings has been removed for the Manistique River Area of Concern. Only two impairments remain to be addressed until the Manistique River can be delisted as an Area of Concern.

The meeting agenda also includes discussion of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dredging plans for 2010 and EPA’s plans for sediment sampling to determine whether additional sediment cleanup is warranted at the mouth of the river.

Areas of Concern are sites along the Great Lakes experiencing severe environmental degradation stemming primarily from historic pollution.

Information about the Manistique River Area of Concern is available at:

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