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THURSDAY – EPA Official to Tour Green Infrastructure Investments along Cumberland River/Project transformed the Cumberland River corridor by incorporating green infrastructure features that improve local water quality

Release Date: 02/05/2014
Contact Information: Davina Marraccini, 404-562-8293 (direct), 404-562-8400 (main), [email protected]

ATLANTA – EPA’s Acting Assistant Administrator for Water, Nancy Stoner, will be in Nashville Thursday and will tour the River Center and Cumberland Park. Located on the Cumberland River’s east bank under the Shelby Street Bridge, the 6.5 acre Cumberland Park opened in April of 2012 and is the flagship for Nashville’s New Riverfront Revitalization Plan. The park incorporates many innovative green infrastructure features that help improve quality, including a rain water harvesting cistern that collects 1,000,000 gallons of stormwater annually that is reused for park irrigation.

WHO: Nancy Stoner, EPA Acting Assistant Administrator for Water;
Bob Martineau, TDEC Commissioner;

      Shari Meghrebelian, TDEC Deputy Commissioner;
      Sandra Dudley, TDEC Water Resources Director;
      Sally Palmer, Director of Science, The Nature Conservancy;
      Paul Sloan, CRC Executive Director;
      Mekayle Houghton, CRC Deputy Director;
      Chris Koster, Special Projects Manager, Metro Parks;
          Scott Gaines, Director of Water Science Centers for Tennessee and Mississippi, U.S. Geological Survey; and
          Representatives for Metro Water Services

WHAT: Tour of River Center and Cumberland Park

WHEN: Thursday, Feb. 6, 2014, 10:30 – 11 a.m.
Open press

WHERE: Cumberland River Compact (Bridge Building)
          2 Victory Ave Suite 300, Nashville, TN 37213

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