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Contaminated Site in West Sacramento Revitalized through Stimulus Funds, Green Technology

Release Date: 12/16/2010
Contact Information: Mary Simms, [email protected] - See below for additional contacts

Multiple Environmental Agencies Pitch In to Clean Up Underground Contamination in West Sacramento

SAN FRANCISCO --State, local and federal agencies are giving a financial and technical boost to environmental remediation efforts now underway in the City of West Sacramento.

Experts were available Thursday during an actual remediation demonstration at an abandoned former industrial site located at 1725 West Capitol Avenue. A local contractor hired by the City of West Sacramento demonstrated how greener remediation practices are cleaning the 0.35-acre site, addressing challenging contamination with an onsite in situ chemical oxidation process. The site was previously was used for light industrial purposes and historically may have been a service station or automotive repair facility.

Instead of remediation practices which can generate significant amounts of waste material and contribute to air pollution, West Sacramento’s greener remediation efforts decompose the contamination in place while also enhancing the ability of natural bacteria to cleanup residual contamination, allowing the city to restore the economic viability of the property. These environmentally friendly practices are possible in part because of funds made available by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

The City has received $154,066 in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act money for chemical injection to clean up petroleum hydrocarbons from an underground storage tank (UST) at the site. This process is an example of Green Technology. The agencies have awarded West Sacramento $236,814 in ARRA grants, for UST cleanup so far.

“Thanks to the funding provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, EPA has been able to provide millions of dollars in grants to California for the cleanup of contaminated lands throughout the state, which is the first step in bringing these properties back to productive economic use, said U.S. EPA grant project officer Bob Pallarino. “Using cleanup methods that reduce waste generation and transport to landfills is another step forward in making green remediation the standard for addressing contamination of our land and water.”

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the State Water Resources Control Board and the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board have provided stimulus money and oversight for several projects in the Yolo County community.

The City of West Sacramento is cleaning up contamination at several sites with the help of Green Technology designed to clear various remediation hurdles. The projects are part of the City’s effort to revitalize an economically challenged area. The Regional Water Board is providing technical and monitoring oversight for the projects.

"This is exactly the kind of forward-looking project ARRA stimulus money is designed to assist. This brownfield clean-up is part of the City's redevelopment efforts that will help bring new economic vitality, jobs and prosperity to the city. The fact that it is part of an overall green effort and design, fits well with California's vision for greener communities,” said State Water Board Deputy Director Esteban Almanza.

West Sacramento’s ARRA grants are part of more than a quarter of a billion dollars in ARRA money awarded statewide by the State Water Board and EPA.

Media Contacts:

Mary Simms, Press Officer, U.S. EPA, (415) 947-4270,
[email protected]
Yoshiko Hill, Public Affairs Intern, U.S. EPA, (415) 947-4308,
[email protected]
Dave Clegern, Press Officer, State Water Resources Control Board, (916) 327-8239,
[email protected]
Art Schroeder, The City of West Sacramento, (916) 617-4513,
[email protected]

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