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Pennsylvania gets $10.7 million in EPA grants for safe drinking water

Release Date: 2/29/2000
Contact Information: Roy Seneca (215) 814-5567

Roy Seneca, 215-814-5567

PHILADELPHIA - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awarded $10.7 million in two grants to Pennsylvania to help protect and improve drinking water supplies.

One grant for $6.3 million goes through the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to support assessing surface and ground water sources, increase training and operator certification and to provide technical assistance to small drinking water systems.

The second grant of $4.4 million goes to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s public water system supervision program. These funds will help increase drinking water monitoring at small public water systems; provide technical assistance to public water systems, study the impacts of droughts, increase public education, prepare for future regulations, inform water suppliers about regulatory requirements and assist them in enforcement. Pennsylvania will contribute a $1.4 million matching share.

"These funds support the drinking water program in many ways, but the citizens benefit most by having clean, safe water to drink and by having information about the quality of their drinking water at their fingertips," said Bradley Campbell, regional administrator for EPA’s mid-Atlantic region.

These federal grants are from EPA’s state revolving fund program and the public water system supervision program. These programs assist states with drinking water programs to ensure drinking water supplies remain safe and are properly operated, maintained and affordable.
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