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EPA Settles Pesticide Case Against Cleaning & Supply Co.

Release Date: 10/31/2001
Contact Information: Donna Heron, (215) 814-5113

Donna Heron, (215) 814-5113

PHILADELPHIA – Bamberger Cleaning & Supply Co. of Baltimore, Md. has agreed to pay a $27,000 penalty to settle alleged violations of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).

Under FIFRA, pesticide products and manufacturing facilities must be registered with EPA – a requirement designed to protect against dangerous or mishandled pesticide products, and false, misleading, or unverifiable product claims. FIFRA also prohibits the distribution or sale of unregistered, misbranded or adulterated pesticides.

According to EPA, Bamberger distributed a pesticide product called “Vegetation Killer,” an unregistered dilution of a registered pesticide called “Bullen Concentrated Vegetation Killer.” Chemical analysis of this product by the Maryland Department of Agriculture showed that the product was adulterated and misbranded, with the product label overstating the concentration of the active ingredient, Prometon. EPA also cited the company for failing to register its Baltimore facility as a pesticide manufacturing plant.

The settlement penalty reflects the company’s cooperation with EPA’s investigation of these alleged violations, prompt action to comply with FIFRA after the inspection, and agreement to settle this matter prior to the issuance of a formal complaint.
As part of the settlement, the company neither admitted nor denied liability, but has certified that it is now in compliance with FIFRA requirements.

