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Release Date: 10/10/1996
Contact Information: Jane Dolan, EPA Project Manager, (617) 573- 9698 Sarah White, EPA Office of Community Relations (617) 918-1026

BOSTON -- Based on recent investigations that have determined the area no longer poses athreat to public health or the environment, the Environmental Protection Agency is proposing that no further cleanup under Superfund is needed at the Cheshire Groundwater Contamination site in Cheshire, Conn.

To solicit input on the proposal, the EPA will hold a public meeting at 7 p.m., Oct. 24 at the Cheshire Town Hall. Immediately following an information session, the EPA will hold a public meeting to accept comments on the action. In addition, a public comment period will run from Oct. 21 through Nov. 20 for those who would like to send comments to the EPA.

"Those that live, work and play in Cheshire can rest assured that the West Johnson Avenue property poses no risk to their health and well being," said John P. DeVillars, administrator of EPA's New England office. "EPA is making sure that the public is informed of the situation at the site, and that the community's concerns are being adequately addressed."

Investigations over the last two years revealed that -- while pollutants have migrated in the ground water from the 604 West Johnson Avenue property -- the levels of contamination are low. The removal of contaminated soils from the site in 1984, combined with the decrease of contamination through natural degradation processes, has resulted in no current or future risks to public health or the environment.

A mass of underground contaminants containing chemicals and solvents was initially detected in1980, in monitoring wells at 604 West Johnson Avenue by a prospective purchaser. Similar contaminants were subsequently detected in a nearby residential well. Two industrial areas, including the West Johnson Avenue property were viewed as possible sources of the contamination in the residential well. This residential well is no longer in use.

Over the years, the site had been used by various tenants for manufacturing, including the Valley National Corporation and Cheshire Molding Company. Both companies manufactured plastic molding but did not keep records of waste disposal practices. The subsequent tenant, Airpax Division of North American Philips Corporation manufactured electrochemical and electronic devices but disposed of its waste in accordance with existing state and federal regulations.

The Cheshire site, primarily occupied by a 15-acre industrial property, was designated an EPA Superfund site in 1990.

All comments taken during the 30-day comment period will be responded to in an official document called a responsiveness summary. This document, along with technical and general information on the Cheshire Ground Water Contamination Site, is available for public review at the Cheshire Public Library on 104 Main Street and at the EPA Records Center in Boston.

Send written comments to:
Jane Dolan
EPA Project Manager
U.S. EPA Region 1, HBT
JFK Federal Building
Boston, MA 02203
FAX: (617) 573-9662
e-mail:[email protected]

Directions to meeting:
From Route 84, take exit 27 to route 691.
Take right onto route 10 and proceed south
Go about 3 miles
Continue past shopping mall and Stop & Shop
Go straight on Route 10 south
The Town Hall is a brick building on the left
Opposite the town green.