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EPA Launches New Multilingual Websites in Korean and Vietnamese

Release Date: 05/21/2008
Contact Information: Lina Younes, 202-564-9924 / [email protected]

(5/21/08) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is launching new consolidated Web sites in Vietnamese and Korean as part of its ongoing effort to provide environmental information in Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese, in addition to English.

These new sites compile EPA multilingual publications and materials in Korean and Vietnamese on a variety of environmental issues such as children’s health, indoor air quality in nail salons and dry cleaners, asthma, fish consumption, proper pesticide usage, among others.

These sites also serve as valuable tools in delivering important health and environmental information to the Vietnamese and Korean communities in the United States and worldwide. This initiative promotes environmental protection in local communities as well as the global environment regardless of language.

The launch of these Web sites coincides with the celebration in the United States of Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month during May. According to the U.S. Census, over 14.9 million U.S. residents trace their roots to Asian countries.

Visit EPA’s multilingual Web sites at: