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EPA and Anheuser-Busch Brew Clean Diesel Partnership

Release Date: 06/06/2008
Contact Information: Jennifer May, 646-369-0039, [email protected]

(New York, N.Y.) There were cheers all around in the Bronx, New York today as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that it has partnered with Anheuser-Busch and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to install innovative pollution reducing equipment in 15 delivery trucks, which will soon operate out of Hunt's Point in the Bronx, New York. Anheuser-Busch has also committed to using biodiesel for its entire Hunt’s Point fleet, and converting the trucks in its fleet manufactured between 2002 and 2005, as well as 14 additional trucks, to burn natural gas.

    “EPA is putting its money and expertise on tap to help reduce the diesel engine emissions that contribute to air pollution and respiratory problems,” said Alan J. Steinberg. “Pollution from diesel trucks has health implications for everyone, especially asthmatic children. In partnering with Anheuser Busch, we are cutting diesel pollution in an area that has a high percentage of kids who suffer from asthma.”
      The $150,000 grant, awarded by EPA on behalf of the Northeast Diesel Collaborative, a partnership of public and private entities in Northeastern states and Caribbean territories, will equip twenty percent of Anheuser-Busch’s local fleet – 15 trucks – with diesel multi-stage filter devices along with closed crankcase filtration systems. It is estimated that the diesel multi-stage filters, which utilize a two-stage metallic filter to trap and reduce exhaust emissions, will reduce particulate matter emissions by 70 to 80%. The closed crankcase filtration system prevents crankcase emissions from entering the atmosphere and has been demonstrated to eliminate 100% of crankcase emissions for medium-duty engines.
        "NYSERDA has a long-standing commitment to reduce vehicle emissions and improve the air quality for all New York City residents," said Vincent A. DeIorio, Chairman of NYSERDA. "The clean technology to be installed on 15 Anheuser-Busch delivery trucks will significantly reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, improve vehicle efficiency, and help to reduce dependence on imported petroleum."
          Nationwide, heavy duty diesel vehicles contribute 15 percent of the nation’s emissions of smog-causing nitrogen oxides and 22 percent of particulate matter (soot) emissions. In urban areas, the contribution to air pollution can be even greater. An older, dirtier diesel truck or bus can emit almost eight tons of pollution in a year, which amounts to 160 to 240 tons of pollution over the life of an engine. To address the need for cleaner diesel vehicles on the road today, EPA created the National Clean Diesel Campaign to match fleet operators, engine manufacturers, local governments with those who can provide the appropriate technology and resources in cleaning up dirty trucks, buses and other diesel powered equipment.
            Anheuser-Busch is developing to a three-part environmental transportation strategy for reducing diesel emissions that includes using biodiesel for its entire Hunts Point fleet. The beer distributor has also begun re-powering the trucks in its fleet manufactured between 2002 and 2005 with Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) engines. The company currently has plans to re-power 22 additional trucks with CNG engines by December 2009. The use of biodiesel, CNG and diesel multi-staged filters will reduce diesel emissions from the entire Anheuser-Busch fleet.
              The Northeast Diesel Collaborative was established in 2005 by the EPA, the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM) and the states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont. The collaborative promotes regulatory and voluntary efforts to reduce emissions from new and existing diesel engines and encourages voluntary emissions reductions of existing fleet through retrofits, cleaner fuel, replacements, reduced idling and other pollution-cutting measures. Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands also recently joined the Northeast Diesel Collaborative, extending these benefits to these Caribbean territories.
                To learn more about EPA’s clean diesel efforts and the Northeast Diesel Collaborative visit: and
