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EPA celebrates Cuyahoga River 40th anniversary

Release Date: 06/22/2009
Contact Information: William Omohundro, 312-353-8254, [email protected]

No. 09-OPA115

(Chicago, Ill. - June 22, 2009) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 Water Division Director Tinka Hyde will participate in today's celebration in Cleveland of the recovery of the Cuyahoga River 40 years after the infamous fire that galvanized the nation's environmental movement.

Hyde will offer EPA's congratulations at a press conference at 12:05 p.m. at Settlers Landing in downtown Cleveland.

EPA's Web site will commemorate the anniversary and include recorded interviews with people who have worked on the cleanup of the river. In addition, EPA invites the public to share memories and photos of the river on Facebook and Flickr. To listen to stories about the Cuyahoga or share your own story go to:

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