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New partnership supports environmental learning at Univ. of Maryland Eastern Shore

Release Date: 06/19/2007
Contact Information: Roy Seneca (215) 814-5567

PRINCESS ANNE, Md. (June 19, 2007) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Maryland officials signed an agreement today that creates a partnership for expanding environmental science learning at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.

The agreement titled “Linking Environmental and Academic Programs” aims to promote environmental science as a college choice of study for minority high school students and give them hands-on environmental work experience through a summer learning program at UMES’ campus.

"By signing this agreement, we are all committing our time and resources to assist in the growth and development of young people,” said Donald S. Welsh, administrator for EPA’s mid-Atlantic region. “In turn, we hope the students will gain an appreciation of the environment, consider careers in environmental sciences, and have a greater desire to help improve the environment.”

Joining EPA in signing the formal memorandum of understanding were representatives from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Maryland Department of the Environment, Maryland Coastal Bay Program and the university.

“This memorandum of understanding greatly expands our commitment to the growth of knowledge in the environmental sciences, using a holistic approach in collaboration with the key players in the region,” said Thelma B. Thompson, president of the university.

Welsh also announced EPA’s funding of $50,000 for a 2-week summer program that gives students hands-on field experience with the university’s coastal laboratory on Chincoteague Bay, including actual habitat restoration work. EPA’s grant to the university brings the total commitment in funding and resources from the partners to about $300,000.

For more information on Linking Environmental Academic Programs, visit: .