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UPDATE: EPA Administrator Continues New Orleans Visit Commemorating Hurricane Katrina Anniversary

Release Date: 08/26/2010
Contact Information: Joe Hubbard 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

Four-day visit includes visits with students, residents and community organizations

Dallas – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson continues her visit to New Orleans today with a series of events commemorating the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and the continued rebuilding of neighborhoods and areas devastated by the hurricane. She will remain in the region until Sunday.

Administrator Jackson, a native of New Orleans, who grew up in Pontchartrain Park, is speaking to students on her New Orleans upbringing, Hurricane Katrina’s impact and EPA’s role in helping to revive and restore the region. Jackson is also giving remarks to several environmental and community organizations and speaking with residents and local volunteers. Tomorrow, she will speak to students and answer questions at the Wilson School, a green charter school that was rebuilt after being destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. She will later attend Tulane University’s Wave of Green Volunteer event, where volunteers will work to beautify the area by planting trees, gardening and other tasks. Jackson will also give remarks at the TEDxNOLA conference, a conference focused on New Orleans’ redevelopment.

Saturday, Jackson will tour a home being constructed by volunteers of 50 for 5, an organization building homes for families displaced by Hurricane Katrina.

Additional information about Administrator Jackson’s schedule will be released when it becomes available.

To request an interview with Administrator Jackson, please email [email protected].

    Friday, August 27, 2010
    9:30 AM CDT Remarks and Q&A at Student Summit
                Andrew H. Wilson Charter School
                3617 General Pershing Street
                New Orleans, LA
                OPEN PRESS
    11 AM CDT Tulane University Wave of Green Volunteer Event
                1 Collin Diboll Circle
                New Orleans, LA
      2:30 PM CDT Remarks at TEDxNOLA Conference
                  Le Petit Theatre, 616 St Peter Street
                  New Orleans, LA
                  OPEN PRESS

      Saturday, August 28, 2010 - Additional information will be released when it becomes available.

      Sunday, August 29, 2010 - Additional information will be released when it becomes available.
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