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Inter American University Gets $25,000 EPA Education Grant; Will Teach Local Schools about Puerto Rico’s Most Pressing Environmental Issues

Release Date: 08/02/2000
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(#00143) New York, N.Y. -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced today that it has awarded a $24,992 grant to the Inter American University of Puerto Rico in San Juan to support the school’s efforts to increase five central Puerto Rico communities’ understanding of the island’s most pressing environmental issues. The University’s Barranquitas Campus Environmental Education Program will target teachers and students at eight elementary and four high schools in the municipalities of Barranquitas, Aibonito, Orocovis and Corozal, and, using multimedia computer technology, will conduct a series of conferences for teachers and students about endangered species, solid waste, freshwater resources, composting and careers in the environment.

"When it comes to environmental conservation, educating our children is perhaps the most important thing we can do," said Jeanne M. Fox, EPA Regional Administrator. "The Inter American University is working to build attitudes, lifestyles and critical thinking skills among young people that will make them better stewards of the world they will inherit. We are proud to support the University’s efforts and look forward to seeing the results of its good work."

Since 1992, EPA’s Environmental Education grants program has provided financial assistance to non-profits, educational institutions and local and tribal government agencies that help communities understand and care about what are often complex environmental issues. EPA’s New York City office received applications from eight groups in Puerto Rico for environmental education grants this year, from which Inter American University was selected. For information on how to apply for an environmental education grant, contact Teresa Ippolito, EPA Regional Environmental Education Coordinator, at (212) 637-3675.