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Eagle mine impacts remedied

Release Date: 10/5/2000
Contact Information:
Gene Taylor 303-312-6536,

Release Date: 10/5/2000
Contact Information:
Eleanor Dwight 303-312-6813

      DENVER- - - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, in cooperation with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, has completed the first Five-Year Review of the Eagle Mine Superfund Site near Minturn, Colorado.

      The Five-Year Review evaluates whether cleanup efforts that have been underway at the Site since 1988 are “protective of public health and the environment.” This first Review concludes that public health risks have been eliminated. The Review describes the considerable progress made in remedying over 100 years of mine-related impacts. The Eagle River trout fishery, in particular, has achieved a significant recovery.

Copies of the Five-Year Review were sent to local citizens directly involved in the project and were
placed in the Town Manager's office in Minturn and in the Avon Public Library. The report may also
be obtained by contacting:

Gene Taylor, Project Manger
Region 8, EPA
999 18th St., Suite 300
Denver, CO 80202-2466
e-mail: [email protected]