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Release Date: 9/21/2001
Contact Information:
800 227-8917 x6839,

Release Date: 9/21/2001
Contact Information:
406 441-1140 x236,

Release Date: 9/21/2001
Contact Information:
800 227-8917 x7814

      Denver -- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency On-Scene Coordinator Martha Wolf has just reported that Tim Knopfle, owner of Advanced Docks and Decks, Inc., is not in compliance with EPA's Administrative Order, as was reported earlier today. He has not yet installed an alarm on his tug to alert him of any future leaks, as required by the Agency Order. The alarm has been ordered and Mr. Knopfle expects to receive and install it next week. An EPA site inspection today of the Flathead Lake showed no shoreline contamination.