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EPA to Support United Way's Health Day of Action Event on Saturday, June 2, 2012

Release Date: 05/30/2012
Contact Information: Ben Washburn, (913) 551-7364, [email protected]

Environmental News


(Kansas City, Kan., May 30, 2012) - EPA Region 7 will support the United Way’s Health Day of Action event on June 2, 2012, with a team of volunteers. The Day of Action (formerly Day of Caring) is a community-wide service event that connects volunteers with non-profit organizations to do special projects in the Kansas City metropolitan area.

The EPA team will volunteer at the Niles Home for Children’s Organic Garden at 1911 East 23rd Street, Kansas City, Mo. The garden provides affordable food in the Kansas City urban core. EPA volunteers will plant, weed, harvest and work with urban gardener and youth volunteers.

“The Day of Action is a great way for EPA Region 7 employees to support our local community and promote healthy living through green practices such as urban gardening,” EPA Region 7 Administrator Karl Brooks said. “I am proud of our employees for taking some of their personal time on Saturday to participate in this event.”

The Days of Action campaign is coordinated by the Heart of America United Way, other area United Ways, the Heartland Combined Federal Campaign, and organized labor groups.

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Learn more about United Way’s Day of Action

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