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EPA Judge Levies Nation’s Largest Pesticide Fine on "99-cent Only Stores"

Release Date: 09/15/2010
Contact Information: Media Contact: Mary Simms (415) 947-4270, [email protected]

Media Contact: Mary Simms, (415) 947-4270, [email protected]

EPA Judge Levies Nation’s Largest Pesticide Fine on "99-Cent Only Stores"
Largest Contested Penalty Ever Ordered for Sale of Illegal International Pesticidal Products

SAN FRANCISCO – A federal judge has ordered 99˘ Only Stores to pay $409,490 in penalties for the sale of illegal unregistered and misbranded pesticides contained in household products.

The case against 99˘ Only Stores concerned the sale of three cleaning and pest control products. Out of a total of 166 violations, 164 involved the sale of a household cleaner called “Bref Limpieza y Disinfección Total con Densicloro.” [Bref Complete Cleaning and Disinfection with Densicloro], which was not registered with EPA, despite pesticidal claims on the label. The product was imported from Mexico and made statements in Spanish that it disinfects or sanitizes surfaces.

The other two products involved were “Farmer's Secret Berry & Produce Cleaner,” an unregistered pesticide, and “PiC BORIC ACID Roach Killer III,” which was misbranded because EPA-approved labels were upside-down or inside out, making them hard to read.

The fine is the largest contested penalty ever ordered by an EPA administrative law judge against a product retailer under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act.

“All pesticide distributors—discounters and high-end retailers alike—must comply with the law. This company’s disregard for state and federal law in its business practices has led to a penalty that reflects the seriousness of the violations,” said Jared Blumenfeld, EPA’s Regional Administrator for the Pacific Southwest.

FIFRA is a federal law that regulates the sale, distribution, and use of pesticides. Before selling a pesticide in the United States, companies must register it with the EPA. Each producer, seller and distributor must also ensure that the registered pesticide is labeled according to agency requirements.

“Consumers who bring cleaning products into their homes expect them to be safe and effective, with clear labeling that gives them the facts,” said Kathy Taylor, Associate Director of the Communities and Ecosystems Division in the EPA’s regional office. "This penalty should send a deterrent message to retailers that they must comply with the law regulating pesticides.”

99˘ Only Stores illegally sold at least 658 bottles of the “Bref” product at stores in California, Arizona and Nevada. The violations were discovered during multiple inspections by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation and the Nevada Department of Agriculture from 2004 to 2008.

In the decision assessing the penalty, the Judge concluded, “It is the opinion of this Tribunal that such penalty appropriately reflects the gravity of the violations, including the harm to the FIFRA regulatory program caused thereby, and will serve as a deterrent to [99˘] and other companies committing similar violations in the future.”

The 99˘ Only Stores retail chain is headquartered in City of Commerce, Calif. and includes 273 stores: 204 in California, 32 in Texas, 25 in Arizona, and 12 in Nevada.

For more information about this case, please visit:

For more information on pesticide regulation and enforcement, please visit:
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Photos available for download, please click image for high resolution photo. Courtesy U.S. EPA Region 9.