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National Association of Manufacturers, EPA Challenge U.S. Industry to Reduce Energy Use 10 Percent

Release Date: 04/21/2008
Contact Information: Shakeba Carter-Jenkins – 202-564-6385 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C. – April 21, 2008) In a landmark agreement, the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and the EPA announced they have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to help improve the energy efficiency of U.S. manufacturers. This first-ever agreement between EPA and NAM, the nation’s oldest and largest industrial trade association, is an important step toward saving energy in the industrial sector, which uses a third of the energy in the U.S. and is responsible for nearly a third of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions that contribute to climate change.

"Environmental responsibility is everyone's responsibility – and today I'm pleased NAM is taking this motto to heart," said EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson. "By making smart energy choices, U.S. manufacturers are helping improve our nation's energy and environmental outlook.”

“This new partnership with EPA leverages the unique strength of U.S. manufacturers as the world’s leaders in energy efficiency and innovative green technology,” NAM President and CEO John Engler said. “Energy efficiency is critical to a clean environment and to energy security. Building upon U.S. manufacturers’ leadership in this area makes good economic and business sense.”

Under the agreement that expands EPA’s ongoing work with the manufacturing sector, NAM will challenge its 14,000 member companies to reduce energy use by 10 percent or more in cooperation with EPA’s ENERGY STAR Challenge. EPA estimates if the manufacturing industry reduced its energy use by 10 percent, manufacturers would save nearly $10.4 billion and enough energy to power nearly 10 million American homes for one year. EPA will support NAM members in developing and refining company-wide energy management programs, share best energy management practices, provide training, and recognize the energy efficiency achievements of NAM members. EPA believes corporate-wide energy management programs are the basis for securing and sustaining long-term energy savings.

ENERGY STAR was introduced by EPA in 1992 as a voluntary, market-based partnership to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency. Today, the ENERGY STAR label can be found on more than 50 different kinds of products, new homes and commercial and industrial buildings. Products and buildings that have earned the ENERGY STAR designation prevent greenhouse gas emissions by meeting strict energy-efficiency specifications set by the government. In 2006, Americans, with the help of ENERGY STAR, saved about $14 billion on their energy bills while reducing the greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those of 25 million vehicles.

For more information on ENERGY STAR for manufacturers, please visit: