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EPA Honors Climate and Ozone Layer Protection Award Winners

Release Date: 04/21/2009
Contact Information: Suzanne Ackerman, 202-564-4355 / 7819 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C. – April 21, 2009) EPA is recognizing the achievements of more than 40 individuals, organizations and companies actively contributing to the restoration and protection of the Earth’s ozone layer and climate system.

“To confront urgent environmental issues, we’re counting on the types of ideas and innovations that this year’s winners developed,” said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. “Recognizing and encouraging their accomplishments is important to the work we have ahead of us.”

The 2009 Ozone Layer Protection Award winners have enforced regulations on ozone-depleting substances, increased public awareness of skin cancer prevention, and developed advanced supermarket refrigerant technologies. The winners are also responsible for eliminating ozone-depleting substances in medical, pest control and agricultural applications, where alternatives are difficult to implement.

The 2009 Climate Protection Award winners have made exceptional contributions to climate protection. Collectively, their actions are expected to avoid the equivalent of more than 6 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions by 2020. The Climate Protection Award winners are achieving these savings by slashing energy consumption, unveiling innovative renewable energy technologies, initiating state policies to address climate change, and promoting international action to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

The Ozone Layer Protection Awards were established in 1990 to recognize outstanding contributions to ozone layer protection, and the Climate Protection Awards were established in 1998 to recognize companies, organizations and individuals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Since the annual awards began, EPA has honored recipients from more than 50 different countries.

More information about the Ozone Layer Protection Awards:
More information about the Climate Protection Awards: