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EPA Update on Yellowstone River Oil Spill (Silvertip Pipeline), August 5th, 2011

Release Date: 08/05/2011
Contact Information: Matthew Allen, (720) 237-7414; John Dalton (303) 524-2459

EPA Update on Yellowstone River Oil Spill (Silvertip Pipeline), August 5th, 2011

Matthew Allen, (720) 237-7414; John Dalton (303) 524-2459

(Billings, Mont --, August 5, 2011) EPA continues to oversee the response to the ExxonMobil Silvertip Pipeline Spill on the Yellowstone River. At this point, there are nearly 850 personnel engaged in cleanup and shoreline assessment efforts.

EPA sampling results for air, water, soil, and sediment data are now available on the EPA spill website. Results and a fact sheet on the crude oil samples are available as well.

“The data tells us that we have weathered crude in the environment that is readily bio-degradable, said Steve Merritt, EPA On-Scene Coordinator. “The oil is weathering as we expected it would. We remain committed to not do more harm than good as we continue to work our way through the cleanup areas.”

EPA has also posted an Agricultural Fact Sheet at the spill website, which was made in conjunction with local, regional, and national experts in an Agricultural Impact Subcommittee. This fact sheet provides guidance to landowners along the impacted sections of the Yellowstone River.

BACKGROUND: At approximately 11:00 PM on Friday, July 1 a break occurred in a 12-inch pipeline owned by ExxonMobil that resulted in a spill of crude oil into the Yellowstone River approximately 20 miles upstream of Billings, Montana. EPA's primary concern is protecting people's health and the environment. EPA will remain on-site to ensure cleanup and restoration efforts do just that. EPA continues to hold ExxonMobil, the responsible party, accountable for assessment and cleanup.

Press inquiries: [email protected]

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