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EPA Completes Five Year Review of Stamina Mills Superfund Site Remedy

Release Date: 11/09/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: David Deegan ([email protected]), EPA Office of Public Affairs, (617) 918-1017

For Immediate Release: November 9, 2005; Release # dd051108

(Boston) – The first “Five Year Review” report of the cleanup work at Stamina Mills Superfund site in North Smithfield, R.I. has been completed. The review confirms that the work done at the site continues to protect public health and the environment.

Based on the results of the Five Year review and private well tests, EPA concluded that site conditions at Stamina Mills are protective of human health and the environment in the short term. Issues related to institutional controls and an evaluation of vapor intrusion will be addressed by EPA and state regulators to ensure long term protectiveness.

As part of the five year review, EPA sampled a number of residential drinking water wells for the presence of hazardous contaminants associated with the site. The primary contaminant of concern at Stamina Mills is trichloroethylene (TCE), a chemical that was used to remove oil and dirt from newly woven fabric. Test results indicate that the wells are not being adversely impacted by TCE or other chemicals.

During the Five Year Review, EPA conducted a number of interviews with residents, local officials, federal and state officials to obtain their opinion and concerns about the clean-up process.

EPA’s clean-up activities at the Stamina Mills Site began in the 1990’s with the demolition of the old mill buildings. Following demolition, EPA initiated other components of the remedy, including soil vapor extraction in a former solvent spill area, groundwater extraction and treatment using air stripping, and removal of the old landfill area. EPA’s final Record of Decision issued in September 1990 and the subsequent Explanation of Significant Differences issued in June 2000, describe in detail the selected remedy for the site.

EPA’s Five year Review report and technical documents related to the site’s cleanup are available at: or at the North Smithfield Public Library.

Related Information:
Stamina Mills
Superfund in New England
Cleanup Process
Cleanup in New England