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U.S. EPA completes cleanup at Southern California Edison site from Superfund list

Release Date: 08/03/2009
Contact Information: Francisco Arcaute, Cell (213) 798 1404

For Immediate Release: August 3, 2009
Contact: Francisco Arcaute

U.S. EPA completes cleanup at Southern California Edison site from Superfund list

LOS ANGELES: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed to delete the Southern California Edison Superfund site located at 432 North Ben Maddox Way, Visalia, Calif., from the agency's Superfund List.

"We have done extensive work cleaning up the Southern California Edison Superfund site," said Keith Takata, EPA's Superfund division director for the Pacific Southwest region. "The EPA is satisfied that levels of contaminants are well below federal and state standards and this valuable groundwater resource has been restored."

The EPA's National Priorities List identifies sites that may present a significant risk to public health. A site may be deleted if environmental testing reveals that the site is not a health concern.

Until 1980, wooden poles were made at the Southern California Edison Visalia Pole Yard Superfund site. The poles were treated with the wood preservatives creosote and pentachlorophenol, which seeped into the surrounding subsurface soils and groundwater. In 1975, cleanup measures began; in 1994, a Remedial Action Plan was presented; in May, 2009 a report was signed, setting the groundwork to delete the Southern California Edison site from the National Priorities List.

Using Docket ID no.:
EPA-HQ-SFUND-2009-0501; FRL-8934-2, the public can comment on this proposed decision no later than August 25, 2009, using one of the following methods:

On-line: . Follow on-line instructions.
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (415) 947-3528
Mail: Jackie Lane, Community Involvement Coordinator, U.S. EPA Region IX (SFD 6-3), 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, California 94105, Direct Line: (415) 972-3236
Hand Delivery: Same contact as above. Deliveries accepted during normal working days and hours (Monday through Friday, 8AM to 5PM).
    Decision Document Repository Locations

    Documents that helped EPA develop its de-listing determination are available on-line at: or in hard copy at:

    Tulare County Public Library
    200 West Oak Street
    Visalia, CA 93291, (559) 713-2700

    U.S. EPA Superfund Record Center
    95 Hawthorne Street
    San Francisco, California 94105-3901, (415) 536-2000

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