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Fall River Textile Firm Cited for Clean Air Violations

Release Date: 07/20/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: David Deegan ([email protected]), EPA Office of Public Affairs, (617) 918-1017

For Immediate Release: July 20, 2005; Release # dd050712

BOSTON – A notice of violation has been issued to Duro Textiles, LLC, the owner of several textile finishing plants in Fall River, Mass., for violating federal clean air requirements on numerous occasions.

EPA has cited Duro for repeatedly failing to maintain required minimum temperatures at an incinerator used to control emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These violations may have compromised the incinerator’s ability to destroy VOCs, which in turn may have caused excess VOC emissions.

“Ozone pollution can pose serious health risks – especially to those suffering from asthma,” said Robert W. Varney, regional administrator of EPA’s New England office. “Given the high asthma rates in New England, we must take steps to ensure compliance with clean air requirements. Through active oversight and enforcement of these requirements, we can help ensure that all citizens breathe cleaner air.”

As specified in a federally-enforceable state air permit, Duro was required to operate the incinerator, located at the Duro Finishing plant, at a minimum of 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit. However, between Aug. 2002 - July 2004, Duro violated this temperature requirement nearly 1,700 times.

VOCs are a main contributor to ground-level ozone (also known as smog). Ozone can irritate people’s respiratory systems, causing coughing and throat irritation. More seriously, exposure to ground level ozone can aggravate asthma and damage lung cells, and may cause permanent lung damage. These effects can be worse in children, exercising adults and people with respiratory ailments such as asthma.

Massachusetts currently does not meet EPA’s national 8-hour ozone standard. Between 2000 and 2004, there have been an average of 16 days per summer when Massachusetts has exceeded the ozone standard.

In addition to citing Duro for incinerator temperature violations, EPA is also requiring Duro to test the incinerator to ensure that it can operate properly and effectively control VOC emissions, in accordance with its design specifications.

Duro also violated federally-enforceable VOC recordkeeping requirements at Duro Finishing and at the nearby Duro Plant #2. Duro failed to keep various types of daily VOC records at the two plants. These records enable federal and state authorities, as well as Duro, to evaluate ongoing compliance with VOC emission limits.

Related information:
Air Enforcement
Clean Air Act