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EPA Public Involvemnet Policy Issued

Release Date: 06/18/2003
Contact Information:

Teresa Libera, 202 564-7873 or [email protected]

(06/18/03) EPA Administrator Christie Whitman issued the new Public Involvement Policy on June 6. The updated policy gives clear guidance to EPA officials on effective ways to involve the public in its regulatory and program decision-making processes. The new policy reaffirms EPA's commitment to early and meaningful public involvement and to understanding the interests and concerns of affected people and entities. The policy recommends seven steps for effective public involvement: 1) plan and budget; 2) identify whom to involve; 3) consider providing assistance; 4) provide information; 5) conduct involvement; 6) review and use public input and provide feedback and 7) evaluate public involvement. The new policy recognizes: new statutes and regulations, expanded public participation techniques and media (e.g. Internet), emphasis on assuring compliance and increased state, tribal and local government capacity to carry out delegated programs. EPA also released “A Framework for Implementing EPA’s Public Involvement Policy" and "EPA’s Response to Public Comments on the Draft 2000 Public Involvement Policy." The policy, framework and EPA's responses are posted at: The policy is not a rule and is not legally enforceable. It supplements (but does not replace) public involvement requirements under existing laws and regulations and enables EPA to implement those requirements in the most effective ways.