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EPA cleans up hazardous substances from Coachella Valley site. Hazardous waste removed from Auclair Dump site; upcoming March 20 progress report

Release Date: 03/01/2007
Contact Information: Francisco Arcaute, (213) 244-1815 [email protected]

(03/01/07) LOS ANGELES - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently completed removing hazardous waste - including arsenic, chromium, contaminated ash and other uncontrolled hazardous substances from the Auclair Dump site, located in the Coachella Valley, near Los Angeles, Calif.

In coordination with the Torres Martinez Tribal government, the EPA began the removal Jan. 29 at the Auclair Dump site at 69062 Fillmore St., near Thermal. Over the course of four weeks, work crews removed more than 1,400 tons of contaminated soil and debris and sent it offsite for disposal.

"Working in coordination with our sister agencies and the Torres Martinez Tribe, the EPA is helping restore the Auclair Dump site to a state that does not present a health risk to its residents and the environment," said Clancy Tenley, associate director for tribal programs in the EPA's Pacific Southwest Office in San Francisco. "This removal was part of our ongoing effort to address overall illegal dumping on the reservation."

The Auclair Dump site has operated as an illegal solid waste disposal site since 2000. In order to clean up the Auclair Dump, the EPA took the following steps:
-Used heavy equipment to consolidate, collect and package contaminated materials for transport to an appropriate disposal facility;
-Minimized burning ash from traveling to nearby residential areas;
-Conducted air monitoring and sampling to measure airborne dust concentrations.

For more information on the health risks associated with arsenic, chromium, and copper exposure please visit

The Torres Martinez Tribe, EPA and Bureau of Indian Affairs are working with 25 local, state and federal agencies to stop illegal dumping on the reservation and in Riverside County. The public is invited to attend an upcoming progress report:

Tuesday, March 20
2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Torres Martinez Reservation Gymnasium
66-725 Martinez Road, Thermal, Calif. 92274

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