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Environmental Education Funds Available for Innovative Projects

Release Date: 1/6/2003
Contact Information: Sally Hanft
[email protected]
(206) 553-1207

January 6, 2003

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is accepting applications for grants that can be used to fund innovative ways to educate the public about the environment. Schools, universities, not-for-profit organizations, tribal education agencies, and state and local governments are eligible to apply.

Applications fall into two categories -- Nationally significant projects of more than $25,000, and local efforts under $25,000. Grants for the larger amounts are issued by EPA headquarters; the smaller grants are issued by EPA’s regional offices.

EPA gives special encouragement to local efforts, according to Sally Hanft of EPA’s regional environmental education program in Seattle.

"Often the catalyst for learning about the environment occurs at the community level,” said Hanft. “Teachers, environmental professionals, and even scout leaders often have wonderful ideas to raise awareness about environmental issues. With a little community support and some funding from EPA, they turn those ideas into an educational experience.”

Applications for the next round of grants must be postmarked by February 14. More information about the grants program and application forms are available from the website at or by calling (800)424-4372, the toll-free number from Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, the four states that make up EPA’s Northwest regional headquarters in Seattle.

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