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Statement from EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson on Dr. Dorothy Height

Release Date: 04/20/2010
Contact Information: EPA Press Office, [email protected], 202-564-6794

WASHINGTON – EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson today released the following statement, celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Dorothy I. Height:

“I join our nation in mourning the passing of Dr. Dorothy I. Height, a bold and compassionate voice for women and people of color across our country. In this age of rancor, divide, and scorched-earth politics, her selfless advocacy, her quiet brilliance and her deep-seated love of community and family will be sorely missed.

“Dr. Height was an icon of unswerving compassion, awesome intellect, rapier wit, and dashing style. Not only was she a private counselor to U.S. presidents and lawmakers, but she was also a personal mentor to so many who followed her lead in fighting for equal rights.

“The headquarters of the National Council of Negro Women is only steps away from the EPA headquarters. That building – a bulwark of struggle, achievement and hope – stands as a monument to Dr. Height’s accomplishments and her committed work toward an equal and just society for all. Her most noted legacy, though, is the legion of mentees who will follow in her steady march for equality and justice for all Americans.”