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EPA Energy Star adopted by Ohio to improve energy performance of state buildings

Release Date: 05/03/2007
Contact Information: William Omohundro, 312-353-8254, [email protected]

No. 07-OPA070

CHICAGO (May 3, 2007) - U.S Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 announced today that the Ohio Department of Administrative Services has adopted EPA's Energy Star Portfolio Manager program to assess the energy use of all state-funded buildings and track performance improvements.

A recent executive order issued by Gov. Ted Strickland calls for a 15 percent energy reduction goal by 2011. The executive order directs the DAS to measure and track energy consumption in state buildings and calculate each organization's carbon footprint.

"Energy Star Portfolio Manager will help the state of Ohio reduce energy consumption, cut greenhouse gas emissions and save money," said EPA Regional Administrator Mary Gade. "It's a smart choice for the people of Ohio."

"We chose Portfolio Manager because of its simplicity, flexibility and support," said Jeff Westhoven, deputy director of the DAS. "The state of Ohio has many different agencies and building types, and this software accommodates our diversity and complexity. We also appreciate the free technical support that will be quite valuable as we implement this system across the state."

By benchmarking its entire portfolio of buildings, Ohio can improve its approach to controlling energy costs and identifying top performing buildings that exemplify best practices. It can also pinpoint below-average performers as opportunities for operational improvements and upgrades.

EPA's Portfolio Manager is a Web-based program used to measure and track building energy consumption. The tool rates buildings in comparison to similar type buildings across the country on a 100-point scale. Buildings that score 75 or higher are eligible to earn the Energy Star label denoting superior energy performance and environmental leadership. EPA recognizes organizations that achieve a portfolio-wide source energy reduction of 10 percent or more as Energy Star leaders.

More than 3,200 top-performing buildings have earned the Energy Star for cutting their energy bills and greenhouse gas emissions. These buildings represent almost 575 million square feet, save an estimated $600 million annually in lower energy bills, and prevent almost 11 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions, equal to emissions from almost 900,000 vehicles.

EPA started the Energy Star program in 1992 to help businesses and consumers protect the environment through energy efficiency. It is probably best known as a label for energy performance on home appliances and electronics. In the last year alone, Energy Star helped consumers and businesses save $12 billion and prevent greenhouse gas emissions equal to those from 23 million cars.

More information on Energy Star is at

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