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EPA Provides Technical Assistance to Upstate New York County to Promote Smart Growth Strategies

Release Date: 03/09/2012
Contact Information: John Martin (212) 637-3662, [email protected]

(New York, N.Y.) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today that it will offer technical assistance to Madison County, New York, to help it implement smart growth strategies that preserve the county’s rural character. This initiative, which is part of the EPA’s Smart Growth Implementation Assistance program, aims to help communities address development challenges in ways that improve the economy, the environment and public health.

“Communities around the country are facing a variety of challenges as they try to make the best use of their resources, improve the quality of life for their residents, and spur economic growth,” said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. “EPA’s assistance can help these communities explore new options for growth that protects their environment while laying a foundation for prosperity.”

In addition to Madison County, the following applicants will receive technical assistance in 2012:

    • State of Vermont – EPA will help communities in the Mad River Valley recover from flood damage and become more resilient to future natural disasters.
    • Spokane Indian Reservation, Eastern Wash. – EPA will help the Spokane Tribe of Indians develop a comprehensive water infrastructure plan.
    • San Francisco, Calif. – EPA will help San Francisco develop a citywide district energy plan.
    • Billings, Mont. – EPA will help Billings develop a model for collaborative planning that aligns school siting with community revitalization, affordable housing, and transportation plans.

The program will offer these communities technical assistance to help understand new or cutting-edge development issues, and will then replicate that assistance to other places facing similar challenges. In addition, the program aims to identify common barriers to sustainability, and create new tools other communities can use.

Since 2005 EPA has supported 31 Smart Growth Implementation Assistance projects, serving dozens of communities. The projects are coordinated through the Partnership for Sustainable Communities, a joint effort of EPA, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). The interagency collaboration coordinates federal investments in infrastructure, facilities and services to get better results for communities and use taxpayer money more efficiently. The Partnership is helping communities across the country create more housing choices, make transportation more efficient and reliable, reinforce existing investments and support vibrant neighborhoods that attract new business.

More information on the Smart Growth Implementation Assistance Program and the selected communities:

More information on the Partnership for Sustainable Communities:

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