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First Round Of Lead Sampling Completed at Pittsburg, Kan.

Release Date: 05/20/2009
Contact Information: Beckie Himes, (913) 551-7253, [email protected]; Belinda Young, (913) 551-7463, [email protected]; or Dave Bryan, (913) 551-7433, [email protected]

Environmental News


(Kansas City, Kan., May 20, 2009) - EPA Region 7 and its contractors have completed the first round of sampling for lead at 166 properties in Pittsburg, Kan. Some of the samples have been submitted for additional analysis to measure risks to sensitive populations, particularly for children under seven years of age and pregnant women. Results from the secondary round of testing should be available in approximately six weeks.

EPA continues to work with city officials to provide pertinent information to the public. All currently available sampling results have been sent to the owners of the respective sampled properties, along with data transmittal letters explaining the results. The Privacy Act prohibits EPA from making individual owners' sampling results available to the general public.

EPA has encouraged affected property owners to let EPA or the Crawford County Health Department know about any sensitive populations, such as young children or pregnant women, who may reside or be present for extended periods of time at their residences, so that appropriate measures can be taken to reduce exposures.

Lead levels that are found to exceed health-based standards generally require the removal of lead-contaminated soils from residential yards.

In addition to the sampling, blood-lead testing for children less than seven years of age is recommended. Children are more likely to be exposed to lead and are more sensitive to the effects of lead than adults. This exposure may result in learning disabilities or behavioral problems. Lead can damage the nervous system, kidneys and reproductive system.

Citizens can reduce children's lead exposure and its effects by washing children's hands after playing outside and before meals; vacuuming and dusting with a damp cloth to help remove dust that may have lead in it; and eating a diet high in calcium and iron and low in fat.