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Three Deadlines Near to Apply for Brownfields Money

Release Date: 09/19/2007
Contact Information: Belinda Young, (913) 551-7463, [email protected]

Environmental News


(Kansas City, Kan., Sept. 19, 2007) - Three deadlines to apply for EPA brownfields money are coming up in October.

1. Money is available for nonprofit organizations and other eligible groups to provide technical assistance to communities facing brownfields cleanup and redevelopment challenges. Deadline to apply for that money is Tuesday, Oct. 2. EPA expects to award up to four cooperative agreements, one in each geographic zone. An estimated $4 million will be available. The maximum value of each grant will be based on the needs of the geographic zone, up to $2 million. The geographic zones are grouped by EPA region as follows:

Zone 1 - Regions 1, 2, 3
Zone 2 - Regions 4, 6
Zone 3 - Regions 5, 7
Zone 4 - Regions 8, 9, 10

2. Money is available for brownfield assessment, cleanup, and revolving loan fund with a deadline to apply of Friday, Oct. 12. About $72 million is expected to be available for some 200 cooperative agreements:

Assessment grants: Up to $200,000 each over three years
Cleanup grants: Up to $200,000 each over three years
Revolving loan fund: Up to $1 million each over five years

3. Job training money is available for nonprofit organizations and other eligible groups to provide environmental job training projects that will facilitate the assessment, cleanup or preparation of brownfield sites. The deadline to apply for this money is Wednesday, Oct. 19. Applicants must propose to serve a community that receives, or has received, financial assistance from EPA for brownfield assessments, revolving loan funds or cleanup grants.