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Shade High School Receives $4,900 Environmental Education Grant

Release Date: 7/26/2000
Contact Information: Roy Seneca (215) 814-5567

Roy Seneca, 215-814-5567

CAIRNBROOK, Pa. -- The Environmental Protection Agency awarded a $4,900 environmental education grant to Shade High School in Somerset County for a watershed assessment project that will help students understand how they can use historical data and scientific research to solve environmental problems.

The project will get students involved in stream monitoring and give them an opportunity to make recommendations on cleanup plans.

“This project gives students hands-on experience in evaluating a watershed and gets them directly involved in making environmental decisions that affect their community,” said Bradley Campbell, regional administrator for EPA’s mid-Atlantic region.

EPA’s education grant program is designed to stimulate grass-roots environmental education. This was one of six grants totaling more than $42,000 awarded in Pennsylvania. Nationally, EPA awarded more than $2.3 million in environmental education grants in 2000 to schools, civic groups and non-profit organizations.

For more information on this grant, contact Christian Matta at (215) 814-2317. EPA’s regional Internet home page also has general information on the grants:

