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University of Iowa Students Find Greener Solutions and Win Environmental Awards

Release Date: 04/23/2008
Contact Information: Kris Lancaster, (913) 551-7557, [email protected]

Environmental News


(Kansas City, Kan., April 23, 2008) - EPA presented annual People, Prosperity and the Planet (P3) Awards to six university teams including University of Iowa students. The University of Iowa team will develop a hand-held water sanitizer useful for disinfecting drinking water in households of poor communities around the world.

EPA Region 7 Administrator John B. Askew said, "EPA is pleased and honored to acknowledge the accomplishments of the University of Iowa students. Their innovations will help us build a healthier and more sustainable future."

EPA's People, Prosperity and the Planet (P3) competition plants the seeds for future technologies that are both environmentally-friendly and profitable. The competition winners announced Tuesday show the Agency harvested a plentiful crop this year. This national competition, sponsored by EPA's Office of Research and Development, enables college students to create sustainable solutions to environmental problems through technology innovations. Each P3 award-winning team receives funding up to $75,000 to further develop their designs and move them to the marketplace.

Winners of this year's awards include the following from the University of Iowa: Joel Donham, Phillip Frystak, Aaron Gwinnup, Nicole Heacock, Dr. Craig Just, Alexandra Keenan, Jon Lamb, Matthew Lozier, Richard Meggo, Holly Moriarty, Tom Rhoads, Michael Schaefer, Jessica Smith, Ricky Teed, and Bob Tuttle.

The P3 Award competition was held at EPA's Fourth Annual National Sustainable Design Expo on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., April 20-22. The Expo showcased cutting-edge technologies designed by the P3 teams.

Support for the competition includes more than 40 partners in the federal government, industry, and scientific and professional societies. This year's Expo was co-sponsored by The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education and The World Environment Center.

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View video and photos of the P3 winners, exhibits and teams at the Expo:

P3 award winners and their projects:

More information about the P3 Award competition:

EPA's sustainability research program: