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EPA Marks the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day by Recognizing Environmental Achievers in the U.S. Virgin Islands

Release Date: 05/19/2010
Contact Information: Brenda Reyes (787) 977-5869, [email protected] or Caroline Newton (212) 637-3937, [email protected]

(USVI) For three people and organizations from the U.S. Virgin Islands, the spirit of Earth Day has not diminished in the 40 years since it was first celebrated. In keeping with that spirit, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today awarded them each the Agency’s Environmental Quality Award at the Nonpoint Source Pollution Conference held at the Sugar Bay Resort in St. Thomas on May 6, 2010.

“Today we honor those who advocate for a better environment, and give their time and energy to make the world a healthier and cleaner place,” said Judith Enck, EPA Regional Administrator said at the time she presented the award. “The people and organizations we honor today are truly making a difference and we thank them for their part in helping us shape a more sustainable environmental future.”

Environmental Quality Award recipients are chosen from the following categories: individual citizen, environmental education, press and media, business and industry, non-profit organization, environmental or community group, and federal, state, local or tribal agency. The recipients come from within Region 2, which includes New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, The U.S. Virgin Islands and 7 federally-recognized Indian Nations. The award winners span a wide range of environmental achievements, but each proves exemplary determination and success. The EPA’s regional office receives nominations for the awards from both inside and outside the Agency. For more information about the Environmental Quality Awards in EPA Region 2, go to

2010 U. S. Virgin Islands Environmental Quality Award Winners

Environmental Education
Virgin Islands Network of Environmental Educators, St. Croix
The Virgin Islands Network of Environmental Educators (VINE) links educators with natural and cultural resource organizations and other stakeholders. VINE works to increase the availability of environmental and cultural programs in local schools and community organizations. VINE releases a seasonal newsletter “Straight from the Vine,” which provides informational resources and highlights their success.

Paul Chakroff
St. Croix Environmental Association, St. Croix
Paul Chakroff is the executive director of the St. Croix Environmental Association and serves on the board of the Virgin Islands Conservation Society, where his leadership helped reorganize the Society to better serve the community. Paul’s other accomplishments include leading land conservation efforts, protecting sea turtles and coral, leading a community campaign in support of clean renewable energy and generating awareness of environmental and health impacts of fossil fuel combustion.

Business and Industry
Island Yacht Charters, Inc., St. Thomas
Island Yacht Charters, Inc. is a St. Thomas-based marine recreation company that educates its clients on the need to minimize impacts on the U.S. Virgin Island’s sensitive marine environment and water quality. Each of the company’s vessels is fitted with solar panels that allow them to operate solely on solar energy while moored.

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