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$100,000 EPA Grant Spurs Tacoma Efforts to Reclaim Former Service Stations

Release Date: 7/1/2002
Contact Information: Bill Dunbar
[email protected]
(206) 553-1203

July 1, 2002

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, today announced that the agency will provide $100,000 to a City of Tacoma effort to convert an abandoned service station into a “pocket park” in the city’s South End.

Contamination from fuel leaks over the years has made the property, which lies at the intersection of So. 48th St. and So. Park Ave. South, difficult to re-develop. The project – coordinated by the South End Neighborhood council – is popular with local residents who are tired of looking at the vacant lot and buildings for the past 16 years. Once the structures, tanks and any associated contamination are removed from the site, workers will install a play area for children, a ½-size basketball court, pathways, benches, a fence and flowers and shrubs.

In addition to the $100,000 EPA funding, other financial participants in the cleanup and re-development include: The City of Tacoma, South End Neighborhood Council, Mobil Oil Corporation and the Washington Department of Ecology.

The $100,000 EPA grant for Tacoma is part of a multi-million dollar EPA program to remove abandoned underground storage tanks that are hampering efforts to redevelop and improve local communities.