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$3.75 Million Awarded for Regional Asessments of Climate Change

Release Date: 11/21/2002
Contact Information:

Suzanne Ackerman 202-564-7819/[email protected]

(11/21/02) EPA has awarded cooperative agreements totaling more than $3 million to two universities to study the potential impacts of climate change to their regions and to develop possible response strategies through its Global Change Research Program. This program sponsors assessments of the possible impacts of climate change on air quality, water quality, human health and ecosystems through public-private partnerships that include academic researchers, decision makers, resource managers and other stakeholders. These agreements also support the President’s Climate Change Research Initiative by providing input for decision making by governments, communities and the private sector on climate change. Pennsylvania State University will coordinate a multi-institution team of researchers to assess climate change in the Middle- and Upper-Atlantic region. The team will also develop a web-based climate change information system, describe current land use patterns and project future land use changes. Researchers at the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University will study how stakeholder groups in the Gulf of Mexico region apply climate change data to decision-making. The research will compile data on the decision-making process that is applicable to the entire region and will recommend ways in which information can be made available in a more useful form to improve stakeholders’ ability to respond to climate change. The cooperative agreements wereawarded through a competitive solicitation process with independent peer review. To learn more about EPA’s Global Change Research Program and these projects, see: