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EPA to Hold 2013 National Brownfields Conference at Georgia World Congress Center

Release Date: 04/24/2013
Contact Information: James Pinkney, (404) 562-9183 (Direct), (404) 562-8400 (Main) [email protected]

(ATLANTA – April 24, 2013) Thousands of environmental and economic development officials, finance and insurance providers, risk managers, planners, attorneys, civil engineers and students are expected to attend the U.S. EPA and ICMA co-sponsored National Brownfields Conference, May 15-17, 2013, at the Georgia World Congress Center.

Addressing the nation's brownfields - abandoned or underutilized properties stigmatized by past commercial or industrial uses - is an ongoing challenge for communities of every size. By focusing on redevelopment, properties are put back into productive use for communities while helping to keep undeveloped lands in a natural state.

The National Brownfields Conference's Educational Program features more than 100 sessions on sustainable remediation, smart growth, green jobs, creative financing and financial risk management, community and economic development, environmental assessment and cleanup, public health, cleanup and redevelopment of properties, and much more. Over 150 exhibitors will display the latest technologies and services, and mobile workshops and walking tours of Atlanta are also included.
A unique conference feature is the Economic Redevelopment Forum, which brings together property owners with developers, investors and financiers to talk about specific brownfields properties available for purchase, reuse and redevelopment. This fast-paced interactive forum is a must attend brownfields event for corporate asset managers, economic development officials, real estate professionals, and others. A variety of properties will be available ranging from former manufacturing plants, to vacant and abandoned commercial buildings and lots. Many of these properties may be eligible for a host of local, state and even federal redevelopment incentives.

Whether you’re a newcomer to the world of economic and environmental redevelopment, or a seasoned professional looking to make new connections and increase your business, Brownfields 2013 offers something for you.

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