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EPA Samples Temporary Housing Location in Louisiana

Release Date: 05/11/2006
Contact Information: Dale Kemery, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(5/11/06) On May 10, 2006 EPA released results from soil samples taken at the request of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) at the John F. Schwegmann Property temporary resident housing location in St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana. EPA detected no volatile organic compounds (TCE or its degradation product) in any of the soil samples collected from the property, indicating that no residual contamination remains on the property from a TCE spill that occurred several years ago.

The soil samples will be used by FEMA as they determine the suitability of these locations for temporary housing for residents. EPA has a mission assignment to sample up to 25 sites for FEMA, and will continue to sample locations as requested.

Summary of testing at temporary housing locations: