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Three Pacific Northwest communities will get EPA Smart Growth assistance

Release Date: 02/09/2012
Contact Information: Jeff Philip, EPA Public Affairs, (206) 553-1465, [email protected]

Pocatello, Idaho; Kelso and Olympia, Washington will receive EPA support

(Seattle–Feb. 8, 2012) – Three Pacific Northwest communities will benefit from EPA technical assistance through the “Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities” program.  The communities, Pocatello, Idaho, and Kelso and Olympia, Washington were among 56 communities in 26 states that will receive technical assistance under this program.

Each community will receive the assistance from EPA-funded private-sector experts. The technical experts will work with the communities on actions they can take to improve the economy, the environment, and quality of life.  Some examples may include improving pedestrian access and safety, making streets appealing to drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians, or conducting an economic and fiscal health assessment.

“This partnership with local communities will create practical and sustainable approaches that can lead to quality of life improvements for citizens, and which can help bolster our economy,” said Dennis McLerran, regional administrator of EPA’s Region 10 office.

Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities is a project of the Partnership for Sustainable Communities among EPA, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). The interagency collaboration coordinates federal investments in infrastructure, facilities, and services to get better results for communities and use taxpayer money more efficiently.  The partnership is helping communities across the country create more housing choices, make transportation more efficient and reliable, reinforce existing investments, and support vibrant and healthy neighborhoods that attract businesses.

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