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EPA and Arkansas Educate Businesses on Climate Change

Release Date: 09/24/2014
Contact Information: Joe Hubbard or Jennah Durant at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

DALLAS – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) are taking action on climate by educating businesses on reducing toxic substances at the source, minimizing the generation of hazardous waste and preventing the release of pollutants into the environment.

EPA recently issued a grant to ADEQ to provide source reduction training in six locations around the state. The training involves bimonthly the “Green-to-Work” lunch series and promotion of the Green Sports alliance.

By improving pollution prevention, or reducing pollution at the source, businesses and organizations can become more sustainable over time. Sustainability involves understanding and evaluating environmental performance and impacts, economic productivity, and individual and societal needs.

For more than 40 years, the Clean Air Act has cut pollution as the U.S. economy has grown. It has also lowered levels of six common pollutants -- particles, ozone, lead, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide -- as well as numerous toxic pollutants. The progress of the Act reflects efforts by state, local and tribal governments; EPA; private sector companies; environmental groups and others.

Business and home offices use a significant amount of electricity for heating and cooling, lighting, and operating equipment. Visit for a number of easy ways to protect the environment, fight climate change and help make the air cleaner.

For more info on the progress of the Clean Air Act visit:

Additional information on EPA grants is available at

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