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July Is Smart Irrigation Month

Release Date: 07/01/2009
Contact Information: Dave Bary or Anthony Suttice at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

(Dallas, Texas – July 1, 2009) Smart Irrigation Month is an initiative developed by the Irrigation Association designed to educate the public about the benefits of water-saving practices, products, and services. Nationwide, landscape irrigation is estimated to account for roughly one-third of all residential water use. Smart irrigation practices use less water and can promote healthy lawns and reduced water bills.

To guide water usage, EPA recommends following these important tips: water only as needed; detect and repair all leaks in irrigation systems; use soaker hoses and drip irrigation systems; install moisture sensors on sprinkler systems; and hire a certified professional to install and maintain any irrigation systems.

The Irrigation Association designated July as Smart Irrigation Month because it is a peak water use month in the majority of states across the country. It presents a great opportunity to update irrigation systems, learn more about the importance of water conservation, and to consider hiring a WaterSense irrigation partner to properly install or maintain an irrigation system. These certified professionals can be found on EPA’s WaterSense Web site at

EPA launched WaterSense in 2006 to promote water efficiency and enhance the market for water-efficient technologies by helping customers easily identify products and services that meet EPA’s criteria for performance and efficiency. WaterSense promotes water-efficient irrigation practices by partnering with irrigation professionals who have been certified through a WaterSense labeled certification program, thereby demonstrating a knowledge of plant/water relationships, appropriate landscape design and scheduling for water efficiency, and other issues related to water budget and use.

Visit for tips to help conserve and use water efficiently. For additional smart tips on water efficient practices, visit the Irrigation Association’s Smart Irrigation Month Web page at for free resources to promote Smart Irrigation Month and efficient irrigation.

More about activities in EPA Region 6:

EPA audio file is available at

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