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U.S. EPA announces interim groundwater cleanup at Omega Chemical Superfund Site in Whittier, Calif.

Release Date: 10/19/2005
Contact Information: Wendy L. Chavez, (415) 947-4248

Project begins in 2006 after design, construction of cleanup system complete

LOS ANGELES -- Under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's oversight, a group of potentially responsible parties will begin groundwater contamination cleanup at the former Omega Chemical Corp. property in Whittier, Calif. to contain highly contaminated groundwater near the source area until a permanent remedy is selected.

The PRP group will extract and treat groundwater from five wells southwest of the Omega property, located at 12504 and 12515 E. Whittier Blvd. Treatment is expected to begin in 2006 after design and construction of the cleanup system is completed.

"Any time you invest in groundwater cleanup, you invest in a healthy future," said Keith Takata, director of the EPA's Pacific Southwest Superfund office. "Containment near the source area will help prevent the spread of contamination and reduce overall site cleanup costs."

Between 1976 and 1991, the 40,000 square foot area housed the Omega Chemical Corporation, a solvent and refrigerant recycling facility that handled volatile organic compounds, such as degreasers.

The California Department of Toxic and Substance Control referred the site to the EPA in 1995. In 1999, the EPA added the Omega site to the agency's National Priorities List -- a list that includes major hazardous sites across the nation. Approximately 2,700 drums of hazardous chemicals and contaminated soil were removed from the location in 1995 and 1996.

For more information on the Omega Chemical Corp. site, please contact: Christopher Lichens, remedial project manager at (415) 972-3149 or [email protected].

For more information on the EPA's Superfund program, please visit:

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