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EPA announces new Performance Track members for the Pacific Southwest

Release Date: 04/04/2007
Contact Information: Dean Higuchi, 808-541-2711, [email protected]

(04/04/07) SAN FRANCISCO - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is announcing seven new facilities in the Pacific Southwest have joined the National Environmental Performance Track Program.

“EPA is recognizing these facilities as environmental leaders because of their strong environmental compliance history and their public commitment to achieving results that go beyond compliance,” said Wayne Nastri, Administrator for EPA’s Pacific Southwest Region. “These types of voluntary results go a long way toward meaningfully improving environmental conditions in our region.”

Performance Track is a U.S. EPA partnership that recognizes top environmental performance among participating U.S. facilities of all types, sizes, and complexity, public and private. Program partners are providing leadership in many areas, including some that are not currently regulated, such as energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, and water consumption.

The new members and examples of their environmental commitments are the following:

    • Xerox Corporation, in El Segundo, Calif. assembles and tests Raster Optical Scanner units, and plans to reduce by 97 percent the amount of lead used in its production processes.
    • Bentley Prince St. Inc., in City of Industry, Calif. manufactures broadloom and carpet tile products and aims to reduce its water consumption by over 11 million gallons.
    • Memory Experts International Inc., in Santa Ana, Calif. manufactures components for copiers and fax systems, and aims to increase its recycling rate by 105 percent.
    • Furnace Creek Inn & Ranch Resort operates a desert resort in Death Valley National Park, Calif. and commits to recycling 110 tons of non-hazardous waste.
    • Lake Oroville Marina LLC, in Paradise, Calif. is a boating marina that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2.42 metric tons of CO2 equivalent.
    • Verkamps Inc., in Grand Canyon, Ariz. runs a gift shop that will purchase 500 lbs of recycled-content products.
    • Covanta Stanislaus Inc., in Crows Landing, Calif. operates a waste-to-energy facility and plans to reduce its transportation energy use by 5 percent.

Nationwide, the EPA welcomed 55 new facilities into the Performance Track ranks, totaling 470 members in 46 states and Puerto Rico. Since the 2000 inception of this facility-based program, Performance Track membership has grown to 55 members in the Pacific Southwest and those members have made commitments to benefit the environment in both regulated and unregulated areas.

To date, all Performance Track members have collectively reduced their water use by 3.5 billion gallons, reduced their greenhouse gas emissions by 97,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, and conserved more than 14,000 acres of land while helping to protect their local and national environment.

The members typically make four beyond-compliance commitments, two for small facilities. In the Pacific Southwest, six of the new members have committed to energy conservation measures; five have committed to waste diversion efforts; three pledge to reduce their water consumption, and two facilities plan to reduce their hazardous waste generation.

In addition to setting four commitments to achieve over a three-year period, Performance Track facilities must have internal systems in place to manage their environmental impacts, have strong compliance records, engage in local outreach about their performance, publicly report results, and must meet all environmental regulatory requirements.

Applications to the program will be accepted April 1 through May 31. Information on criteria and how to apply is available at the following website:

Performance Track members come from a wide range of industries, such as automotive, paper, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, and government agencies. Information on the new Performance Track members is available at:

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