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$190,000 Grant to Establish Environmental Finance Center at Wichita State University

Release Date: 04/07/2010
Contact Information: Kris Lancaster, 913-551-7557, [email protected]

Environmental News


(Kansas City, Kan., April 7, 2010) - EPA is awarding $190,000 to the Wichita State University Hugo Wall School of Urban and Public Affairs to establish an Environmental Finance Center (EFC). The university is eligible to receive up to $2.4 million over the next six years. Wichita State University was one of 10 universities selected nationwide to be an EFC through a competitive process.

EFCs central goal is to help create environmentally and financially sustainable communities. The center will help communities, tribes and private entities comply with environmental and public health protection requirements.

“I am very pleased EPA has recognized the creativity and initiative at work in the Hugo Wall School of Urban and Public Affairs at Wichita State University,” said Karl Brooks, EPA Region 7 Administrator. “This new EFC will be a powerful resource to help the region’s local governments develop partnerships and provide training to help meet the financial requirements of environmental protection.”

The non-profit university-based centers develop financing options for initiatives and projects such as source water protection, drinking water and wastewater treatment, green buildings, energy conservation and environmentally sustainable development.

EFCs also develop and provide financial training, education and other services to local governments in an effort to lower the costs of environmental protection, increase environmental investments and expand financing options.

EPA has a long history of working with community leaders and the public to develop innovative solutions for improving their financial and environmental sustainable efforts. The creation of an EFC expands the capacity of services available to communities in Region 7, which consists of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska.

WHO: EPA Region 7 Administrator Karl Brooks, Mayor of Wichita Carl Brewer, and Wichita State University President Donald Beggs

WHAT: EPA grant announcement

WHERE: Wichita State University’s Welcome Center in the King Room, 21st Street and Mike Oatman Drive, Wichita, Kansas

WHEN: 2:30 p.m. Thursday, April 8, 2010

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